Resending articles for previously unwanted newsgroups

Bill Davidsen davidsen at
Mon Jan 1 16:07:14 EST 2007

Maarten Thibaut wrote:
> * Write a program to manage the history DB directy and insert lists of 
> entries so we can run tdx-util after adding the group and copying the 
> articles onto the spool?
> * Write a different program to remove or expire the 'unwanted newsgroup' 
> data from history so the articles can be presented to the server using 
> ihave again?
That would be my thought, move a list of MID to be fed from the feeding 
server to the target, do a MID to hash conversion, stop the server and 
remove the hashes from the history, then make the dbz again. Then feed 
the articles.

You don't mention which o/s and filesystem type you use, tradspool 
performance is one of the reasons for cycbuffs. That's unrelated to your 
problem other than as a possible speedup for makehistory.

bill davidsen <davidsen at>
  CTO TMR Associates, Inc
  Doing interesting things with small computers since 1979

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