Are you sure that you have enough size?

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Tue Jan 9 08:56:26 EST 2007

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Yeshua an inconspicuous signal that at  least he, the Levite,  was here with
him, that he had  not  abandoned him on  his  last journey and  that  he was
praying for  Yeshua  to be  granted  a quick death.  But Yeshua, staring far
ahead to where they were taking him, could not see Matthew.
     Then,  when the procession had  covered  half a  mile or so of the way,
Matthew, who  was being pushed  along by the crowd level with the prisoners'
cart, was struck by a  brilliant  and simple idea. In his fervour  he cursed
himself  for not having thought of it before. The soldiers were not marching
in close order, but with a  gap  between each man. With great  dexterity and
very  careful timing it would be possible to bend down  and jump between two

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