Pharmacy at your service: Christmas discounts.

Mcshan I. Kardos geicp.comjdulude at
Thu Jan 11 13:26:47 EST 2007

It seems to be an appropriate way to say hello to OOP lovers :)
We want to present you a pharmacy bulletin dedicated to Christmas holidays.

Category "Best on-line pharmacy store".

Due to our research we can surely say that "MyCanadianPharmacy" drug store presents high-quality of service, drugs and client support. Also they provide confidential 
and secure purchase for all clients. The same medications that you can by here in USA but at lower prices.
So they got an "excellent" rating grade! 

And now they start their Christmas Campaign. Each client will get incredible Christmas 20% Discount!

Here you can find:
Men's Health: 17 products 
Anti-Depressants: 9 products
Pain Relief: 3 products 
Weight loss: 13 products 
Antibiotics: 4 products 

Sincerely yours,
American Consumer Association
"Mcshan I. Kardos"
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