Can post from thunderbird but not from telnet or php

Russ Allbery rra at
Tue Jan 23 13:47:58 EST 2007

Samer Bechara <farrooda at> writes:

> now I am able to post through telnet by sending MODE READER command first.
> but the problem in my code is that I am using a pear library which I don't
> want to change


> My question is how can I get around this problem , since my news server is
> local and is only fed locally.

That package has a bug.  For starters, you should report the bug and ask
them to fix it.  (The corresponding Perl library, for instance, does the
right thing.)

Then, in the meantime, try to get your code to connect to a different IP
address than where you're feeding articles so that you can put one IP
address in incoming.conf and a different one in readers.conf.  For
example, make your code connect to the real IP address of the system, and
whatever is injecting articles connect to, then list the former
in readers.conf and the latter in incoming.conf.

You need to make sure that the IP address from which your code is
connecting is not listed in incoming.conf as a peer.  Once you've done
that, MODE READER won't be necessary.

Russ Allbery (rra at             <>

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