[radvd-devel-l] RADVD - Specific Route Addition

nileshkumar daine nilesh_daine at yahoo.com
Tue Dec 19 01:06:58 EST 2006

I am running radvd-1.0 on Linux 2.4.20
I want to add specific route on lan machine so that it
can reach to my machines wan interface.
I have also enabled forwarding on my machine.

I have started radvd on my lan interface eth1 with
following radvd.conf file,

interface eth1
        AdvSendAdvert on;
        prefix 4001::1/64
                AdvOnLink on;
                AdvAutonomous on;
        route 2004::2/64

route got added on lan machine it also got the ip
But it does not add specific route. Route added was
using ip address of eth1.

is there anything I need to take care while specifying
specific route addition to LAN clients using radvd ?

Any help/direction will be helpful.


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