[radvd-devel-l] Default Route Using RADVD

Pekka Savola pekkas at netcore.fi
Thu Oct 26 04:31:19 EDT 2006

On Thu, 26 Oct 2006, nileshkumar daine wrote:
>             V
>        ----------  2001:7a8:6d7a:4::4/64 (WAN)
>        | ROUTER |
>        ----------  2001:7a8:6d7a:c::4/64 (LAN)
>             V
>        ----------  2001:7a8:6d7a:c::6/64 
>        | LAN 1  |
>        ----------  
> Now from LAN 1 machine, 
> 1 - ping6 to 2001:7a8:6d7a:c::4 (LAN of router) -
> 2 - ping6 to 2001:7a8:6d7a:4::4 (WAN of router)- WORKS
>    only when,route has been added manually on LAN 1
> machine  using 2001:7a8:6d7a:c::4 as Next HOP ( even
> without enabling 'forwarding' )
> Help me to understand how can step 2 be made to WORK
> without adding route manually ? i.e how can this be
> achived using radvd ?

Are there any firewall rules at LAN1 or ROUTER?  I assume not.

You'll probably need to provide tcpdump (like 'tcpdump -n -vvv -s0 -e 
-w tcpdump.log -i ethX icmp6') on both the router and host when you've 
a manual and automatic setup.  '/sbin/ip -6 r l' on both systems for 
both setups would probably also be helpful.

You can send these to me off-list and continue discussion there; we 
can report the details back on list when the issue is resolved.

> What should be radvd.conf on ROUTER and do we really
> need to enable 'forwarding' on ROUTER ( afa I know if
> we add route as mentioned above, actually 'forwarding'
> doesn't make any sense. What do you think ?)

radvd.conf that you posted is OK.

Forwarding needs to be enabled on the router if you want to access 

You also need to configure 2001:7a8:6d7a:4::4/64, 
2001:7a8:6d7a:c::4/64, and the default manually on the router.

Pekka Savola                 "You each name yourselves king, yet the
Netcore Oy                    kingdom bleeds."
Systems. Networks. Security. -- George R.R. Martin: A Clash of Kings

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