[radvd-devel-l] Interfaces with capital letters

Michiel Brandenburg apex at xepa.nl
Thu Oct 9 18:40:54 EDT 2008

Hi there,

discussion about matching interface names other than the standard eth0:1 etc

>> I think we can get away with \S{1,15} or something like that, radvd 
>> will try to find an interface by that name anyway, not sure what will 
>> happen when % is searched for.
Pekka Savola wrote:
> That would probably be great, but I think the parser expects the 
> expression to be in a different format and I'm not sure how to express 
> that if so.

Well I took a look at the scanner.l file, flex can't handle the perl 
like \S syntax, matching negated case did not work either, and my flex 
skillz are no good :(.  The best I could come up with was a horrible 
hack, if someone could please fix my hack and make it really match words.

As far as I experimented you can make interface names with nearly any 
non whitespace chars, as long as they are between 1 and 15 chars long. 
Although I did see flaky "ip link show" reports when an interface was 
called eth0:0:0:0 for instance, but radvd will try to find it anyway.

changing interface name:
zeus:/# ip link set dev "<currentdevname>" name "DA*DA(#"
will work :)

Anyway patch is attached.

Michiel Brandenburg

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