Hello,<br><br>Forgive me!, if this is not the right forum for my question.<br><br>My name is Arul, i am working on IPv6 Interoperability test by using TAHI's Vel tool.Few of my test scenario uses Redhat Enterprise Linux -5 as a router and it installed "radvd-1.1.tar.gz", Where in One of my test scenario is hanging.<br>
<br>The test scenario is "<strong><i><a href="http://host.router.1_7_A.sc">host.router.1_7_A.sc</a></i></strong>", and it is hanging at "<i><strong>sync finish_router_setup</strong></i>" after executing "<strong>e<i>xecute TAR2 ("rtadvd -c /tmp/rtadvd.conf dc0")</i></strong>".<br>
<br>If anybody experienced this problem, please help me..<br><br>Regards<br>Arul<br><br>Log<br>----<br><i>setup_cleanup_TAR2@TAR2 : 0.007146 : execute-EXECUTE<br>setup_cleanup_TAR2@mgr : 0.206992 : execute TAR2 ("/bin/sh -c echo > /dev/null")<br>
setup_cleanup_TAR2@TAR2 : 0.007303 : execute-EXECUTE<br>setup_cleanup_TAR2@mgr : 0.206996 : execute TAR2 ("/bin/sh -c echo > /dev/null")<br>setup_cleanup_TAR2@TAR2 : 0.007275 : execute-EXECUTE<br>setup_cleanup_TAR2@mgr : 0.206994 : execute TAR2 ("/bin/sh -c echo > /dev/null")<br>
setup_cleanup_TAR2@TAR2 : 0.007426 : execute-EXECUTE<br>setup_cleanup_TAR2@mgr : 0.206997 : execute TAR2 ("/bin/sh -c echo > /dev/null")<br>setup_cleanup_TAR2@TAR2 : 0.007292 : execute-EXECUTE<br>setup_cleanup_TAR2@mgr : 0.206994 : execute TAR2 ("/bin/sh -c echo > /dev/null")<br>
setup_cleanup_TAR2@TAR2 : 0.007286 : execute-EXECUTE<br>setup_cleanup_TAR2@mgr : 0.206995 : execute TAR2 ("/bin/sh -c echo > /dev/null")<br>setup_cleanup_TAR2@TAR2 : 0.007253 : execute-EXECUTE<br>setup_cleanup_TAR2@mgr : 0.206997 : execute TAR2 ("/bin/sh -c echo > /dev/null")<br>
setup_cleanup_TAR2@TAR2 : 0.007243 : execute-EXECUTE<br>setup_cleanup_TAR2@mgr : 0.206995 : execute TAR2 ("/bin/sh -c echo > /dev/null")<br>setup_cleanup_TAR2@TAR2 : 0.007202 : execute-EXECUTE<br>setup_cleanup_TAR2@mgr : 0.206995 : execute TAR2 ("/bin/sh -c echo > /dev/null")<br>
setup_cleanup_TAR2@TAR2 : 0.007268 : execute-EXECUTE<br>setup_cleanup_TAR2@mgr : 0.206996 : execute TAR2 ("/bin/sh -c echo > /dev/null")<br>setup_cleanup_TAR2@TAR2 : 0.007730 : execute-EXECUTE<br><strong><font color="#ff0000">setup_cleanup_TAR2@mgr : 0.207078 : execute TAR2 ("rtadvd -c /tmp/rtadvd.conf dc0") <-- hang</font></strong></i><br>