[spook-l] Using spook with an hardware encoder
Marco Buffa
marcobuffa at gmail.com
Wed Nov 29 04:40:05 EST 2006
Hello to everybody.
I'm trying to use spook on an embedded board (Intel IXP425) running
Snapgear Linux.
I succeded in compilation with the arm toolchain, and spook seems to
run fine, but I'm in trouble with the spook.conf file.
I have an MPEG2/4 hardware encoder (wis go7007) mounted on my board,
with working V4L driver (the device in attached at /dev/video0), and
I'm using this spook.conf file:
FrameHeap 30;
Port 7070;
Input V4L {
Device /dev/video0;
InputType webcam;
InputPort 0;
Framerate auto;
FrameSize 320 240;
Output "compressed";
RTSP-Handler Live {
Path /test;
Track "compressed";
The problem is that when I launch spook with such configuration file,
I obtain this error:
Jan 1 00:01:03 spook[43]: listening on control socket spook.sock
Jan 1 00:01:03 spook[43]: frinboard - INF - V4_SafeIoctl - IOCTL
VIDIOCGCAP - Video Device 0
ame heap of 8 frames is too small, use at least 10
Jan 1 00:01inboard - INF - V4_SafeIoctl - IOCTL VIDIOCSCHAN - Video Device 0
:03 spook[43]: listening on tcp port 7070
Jan 1 00:01:03 spookinboard - INF - V4_SafeIoctl - IOCTL VIDIOCGPICT
- Video Device 0
[43]: v4l: must figure out framerate, this will take some
time..inboard - INF - V4_SafeIoctl - IOCTL VIDIOCSPICT - Video Device
inboard - INF - V4_SafeIoctl - IOCTL VIDIOCSWIN - Video Device 0
inboard - INF - V4_SafeIoctl - IOCTL VIDIOCGWIN - Video Device 0
inboard - INF - V4_SafeIoctl - IOCTL VIDIOCMBUG - Video Device 0
Jan 1 00:01:03 spook[43]: unable to convert stream compressed
Jan 1 00:01:03 spook[43]: live: unable to connect to stream "compressed"
Jan 1 00:01:03 spook[43]: live: no media sources specified!
It seems that spook needs to "convert" the stream, but my stream is
already MPEG4 ES.
Where I'm wrong? I need a V4L*2* driver?
Thank you.
Marco Buffa
Laboratorio di elettronica digitale
Dipartimento di Elettronica e Informazione
Politecnico di Milano (Italy)
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