[radvd-devel-l] Advertising interface is not "autoconfigured"

Vincent Jardin radvd-devel-l@litech.org
Tue, 22 Jan 2002 02:16:56 +0100


I've bee using radvd in order to configure a small 6to4 network:

|R |
 +   ______

R and the Host are 2 linux hosts.
R sends the RA to the host that gets its dynamic 6to4.
However the eth0 interface of R cannot be auto-configured.

How could it be fixed (automaticly) ?

PS: R's configuration file:
interface eth0
               AdvSendAdvert on;

               # Advertise at least every 30 seconds
               MaxRtrAdvInterval 30;

               prefix 0:0:0:beef::/64
                       AdvOnLink on;
                       AdvAutonomous on;
                       Base6to4Interface ppp0;

                       # Very short lifetimes for dynamic addresses
                       # AdvDefaultLifetime 300;
                       AdvPreferredLifetime 120;

net.ipv6.conf.eth0.autoconf = 1