[radvd-devel-l] Building the radvd from source rpm for fc8

Martin Nagy mnagy at redhat.com
Thu Mar 20 07:02:30 EDT 2008

Hi Andy,
installing software on Fedora like this is not a good idea. I recommend 
building your own rpm and install it via rpm -ivh, like this:
cp radvd-1.0-5.fc8.src.rpm /usr/src/redhat/SRPMS
cd /usr/src/redhat/SRPMS
rpmbuild --rebuild radvd-1.0-5.fc8.src.rpm

Then, you should have your rpm somewhere in /usr/src/redhat/RPMS .
The reason you have not saw init script and other files is that 
installation of these files is done by rpm itself, not by the makefile. 
When you use the method I described, the make install is done so that 
all the files are stored in a chroot-ed environment, refered to as 
$RPM_BUILD_ROOT in the spec file. Then, additional files are copied in 
$RPM_BUILD_ROOT as seen in the %install section:
install -m 644 redhat/radvd.conf.empty 
install -m 755 redhat/radvd.init $RPM_BUILD_ROOT%{initdir}/radvd
install -m 644 redhat/radvd.sysconfig 

In some cases, we also delete some files that we don't want, but not in 
case of radvd. Then there's the %files section that tells you which 
files we actually want to install.
If you install packages the way you did, the rpm system will not know of 
those files, because they weren't installed by it. So as far as rpm is 
concerned, you actually don't have radvd installed on your system. I 
suggest that you manually find all installed files and remove them and 
then install radvd either by the method I wrote above or by official rpm.


Andy Johnson wrote:
> Hello,
> A question about building the radvd from source rpm:
> It could be that I make here some silly error, as I don't have much
> knowledge about installing from source rpms; however, I must add that
> had done the same process with other source rpms (from RedHatfc8) and
> it was ok.
> Here is what I did:
> I have an FC8 machine ; radvd is not installed on it.
> first , downloaded the source rpm: radvd-1.0-5.fc8.src.rpm
> then
>     rpm -ivh radvd-1.0-5.fc8.src.rpm
>     cd /usr/src/redhat/SPECS/
>     rpmbuild -bp radvd.spec
>     cd /usr/src/redhat/BUILD/radvd-1.0/
>     ./configure && make && make install
> All went well.
> But, I expected to see, at the end ,
>  an init file (/etc/init.d/radvd) and a folder (/var/run/radvd/) and
>  a conf file (/etc/radvd.conf), and more; None of these were created.
>  On a different machine where
>  I installed from rpm (not source rpm) all these files were created.
>  A brief look at the .spec file shows that these files should have been created.
>  Am I missing something ?
>  Any ideas?
>  Any advice will be much appreciated,
>  Regards,
> Andy

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